Neurosequential Model of Therapeutics (NMT)
What is NMT?
The Neurosequential Model of Therapeutics™ (NMT) is a developmentally-informed, biologically-respectful approach to working with at-risk children. It is not a specific therapeutic technique or intervention - it is a way of wholistically looking at a child’s development and functioning. It is an assessment tool which measures an individual's adverse experiences and their relational health across the lifespan.
The NMT approach looks at the nature, timing and severity of adverse experiences that occur during specific developmental periods to determine what therapeutic techniques are best suited to mitigate presenting neurobiological symptoms.
So what is the process?
What is an NMT metric?
An NMT metric provides a look at all areas of the brain as it relates to current functioning. Below is an example of a functional brain metric or “map” produced by the web-based NMT Clinical Practice Application. The left image (with multicolored squares) corresponds to a client's current level of development. Each box corresponds to essential brain functions mediated by a specific region in the brain. The metric shows areas with significant problems (red); moderate compromise (yellow), and fully organized and capable functionality (green). The image on the right is a map for a “typical” developing same-aged child. Comparison of the two allow a clinician to quickly visualize important aspects of a child’s current developmental progress. This information helps professionals and caregivers determine the strengths and vulnerabilities of the child and aids in creating an individualized intervention, developmentally appropriate enrichment plan matched to the child's unique needs in various domains of functioning (i.e., social, emotional, cognitive and physical).
The Neurosequential Model of Therapeutics™ (NMT) is a developmentally-informed, biologically-respectful approach to working with at-risk children. It is not a specific therapeutic technique or intervention - it is a way of wholistically looking at a child’s development and functioning. It is an assessment tool which measures an individual's adverse experiences and their relational health across the lifespan.
The NMT approach looks at the nature, timing and severity of adverse experiences that occur during specific developmental periods to determine what therapeutic techniques are best suited to mitigate presenting neurobiological symptoms.
So what is the process?
- Parent/caregiver consultation and history taking
- Document review if applicable
- In-person child/clinician assessment
- Personalized and detailed brain map
- Review of results and recommendations
What is an NMT metric?
An NMT metric provides a look at all areas of the brain as it relates to current functioning. Below is an example of a functional brain metric or “map” produced by the web-based NMT Clinical Practice Application. The left image (with multicolored squares) corresponds to a client's current level of development. Each box corresponds to essential brain functions mediated by a specific region in the brain. The metric shows areas with significant problems (red); moderate compromise (yellow), and fully organized and capable functionality (green). The image on the right is a map for a “typical” developing same-aged child. Comparison of the two allow a clinician to quickly visualize important aspects of a child’s current developmental progress. This information helps professionals and caregivers determine the strengths and vulnerabilities of the child and aids in creating an individualized intervention, developmentally appropriate enrichment plan matched to the child's unique needs in various domains of functioning (i.e., social, emotional, cognitive and physical).
What will I get?
The assessment will provide a comprehensive view of your child’s historic insults, relational mitigating factors, and an assessment of their current functioning. You will receive a copy of your child’s personalized NMT metric and related recommendations. Outcomes and recommendations will be explained in depth by the clinician. Detailed recommendations can be used by clinicians at Connections or elsewhere to be integrated into a mental health treatment plan, individualized education plan (IEP), and parenting resources and supports. If you seek therapeutic services from Connections, you and the clinician will work together to devise a treatment plan that is comprehensive and attainable. Should your child not continue for therapeutic services with Connections, our staff can facilitate conversations with the child’s clinician, answer any questions they may have, and be available for follow up consultation.
The assessment will provide a comprehensive view of your child’s historic insults, relational mitigating factors, and an assessment of their current functioning. You will receive a copy of your child’s personalized NMT metric and related recommendations. Outcomes and recommendations will be explained in depth by the clinician. Detailed recommendations can be used by clinicians at Connections or elsewhere to be integrated into a mental health treatment plan, individualized education plan (IEP), and parenting resources and supports. If you seek therapeutic services from Connections, you and the clinician will work together to devise a treatment plan that is comprehensive and attainable. Should your child not continue for therapeutic services with Connections, our staff can facilitate conversations with the child’s clinician, answer any questions they may have, and be available for follow up consultation.